Friday, December 3, 2010


Model of the year goes to this adorable girl for braving the freezing cold. Katie and I go way back, she is utterly wonderful and I am so glad we started hanging out again...

Monday, November 1, 2010

Atreyu Grace

A couple that I care so much about and adore fully had this cute little thing and let me photograph her, Her name is Atreyu...I want a girl named Atreyu. :)

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Sweet Jess and her hunt for leopard shoes

My friend Jess, ladies and gentlemen. She is quite unlike any other human I have encountered, she is quite divine. She headed into Lincoln yesterday knowing I was drowning in a sea of flowers, tables and guests. She pulled me from the water and came up with her own list of bridesmaid-to-do's. God Bless you, Jess!
She also was my model for the afternoon, there is a special favorite of mine with her under the art gallery sign.

Wildlife Safari, OH MY!

This last weekend my hubby to be took me to the wildlife safari close to Ashland, Here are some amazing photos I took while there. I hope you enjoy them...oops - these are on thier own post. :)

Monday, October 25, 2010

Starting Photography Business

It is official, I am starting up my side photography business. I utterly adore photography and have been doing it on and off since I was17. I am 27 now and it is time to start doing my dream, creating stories of life, love and the pursuit of happiness through pictures. I am available for any type of session you want to throw at me. Starting this business up I was blessed enough to have my future niece and nephew as my first subjects...enjoy.